Hobgoblin Christmas Opening Times

Hobgoblin Christmas Opening Times

We’re here to help!

Let’s face it, there is no bigger headache at Christmas than Christmas shopping – aside from the one after too much pudding brandy, so we at Hobgoblin Music want to help ease those troubled minds by having flexible opening hours and happy, smiling staff to help you out.

I know, we are very nice, aren’t we? We should all eat more chocolate? Yes. Here are the details about which of our shops are open on the Sundays leading up to Christmas:

Open Sundays 7th, 14th and 21st December:

Birmingham: 11am-4pm

Brighton: 10am-4pm

Bristol: 11am-4pm

Canterbury: 10am-4pm

Leeds: 11am-4pm

London: 11am-4pm

Sunday 28th December:

Brighton: 10am-4pm

Additional Opening Hours at Hobgoblin in Wadebridge

Friday 12th: Open til 8pm for late night shopping

Mondays 15th and 22nd: Open 10am – 5pm (usually closed Mondays)

All of our shops and our mail order department will be closed on the bank holidays:

25th and 26th December, and 1st January

Some of the shops may close an hour or two early on Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve, please call ahead to check if your planning to visit!

Apart from this, all the shops will be open as usual, Monday – Saturday, (Wadebridge Tues-Sat) and the mail order department is open Monday – Friday.

Good luck, brave travellers!

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